“Featured neighborhood” – Reagan’s Landing

Nov, 11 14 Post by: Amy

ReagansLandingLogo1         Reagan’s Landing is a sought after neighborhood in the highly desirable Hardin Valley area. Those who live there tend to stay there and generally don’t leave unless they have to transfer to a new area. Part of the subdivision is in a floodplain, however, homebuyers have not found that to be a deterrent.

This family friendly community features a resident-only pool and a gorgeous natural setting. The creek that runs the perimeter of Reagan’s Landing is a draw for a lot of wildlife. Residents are not unaccustomed to seeing an occasional deer crossing through.

It’s a welcoming community that gathers throughout the year for neighborhood events, such as the upcoming Fall Festival in November featuring fire roasted hot dogs, corn hole games and sharing ghost stories by the campfire.

Fun Fact: Several homes in Reagan’s Landing were built by former Minnesota Vikings kicker, Fuad Reveiz, who owned and operated Reveiz & Company until 2009. DIY Network viewers may recognize the football star for his custom home construction talents featured on the shows he hosted: Healthy Household Workshop, Major League Remodel and Weekend Remodeling!

*Data below is based on MLS info. from 11/2013 – 11/2014:

  •  Average sold price: $254,500
  • Average square feet: 2,503
  • Average Year Built: 2006
  • Units in Subdivision: 133

To schedule your home visits in Reagan’s Landing call (865) 257-0100 or e-mail Amy Garland today. Click to view our current listings.

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